One stop shop for choosing your wedding vendors.

If you're here then chances are we've booked and you're ready to take the next steps in finding your wedding vendors! Hell yes!

I've put together a list of local wedding vendors that I've worked with or know and trust. Not only is this just a super easy convenience for you but it ensures a more cohesive relationship between the other vendors and I so that your wedding day runs smoothly!

Some vendors offer discounts and specials when booking us together. Simply click on the vendor name to be directed to their website and information. If there is anything in particular you need, reach out and I'll do some research to help find what you need!

twisted oak farms

Location: Twisted Oak Farm, Vero Beach

*Vendors I recommend based on previously working with them or using them personally.

twisted oak farms
twisted oak farms
cattleya chapel
cattleya chapel

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FB & IG: @asterdaisyphoto