What is a First Look?

A first look is when you and your spouse-to-be share a private moment before the ceremony. It's a way to reveal each other to one another. You can also read some private vows to each other, say a few words of encouragement, or just soak each other in. Other than the intimacy it brings, a First Look can help your wedding day timeline flow smoother and more relaxed.

1. Helps with the timeline

The biggest reason why First Looks are important is because it clears up space in your timeline. Once you and your partner have your First Look, we can jump into the wedding party formals. You can also schedule your family formals after the wedding party photos as well. Rather than blocking a whole 60-90 minutes for photos, we can spread out this time throughout the day so you can still enjoy your wedding.

Having all the formals photos before the ceremony will ensure that everyone's hair and make up is looking its best for photos. No sweaty or forced get-me-out-of-these-shoes smiles.

This will also save you time during cocktail hour. Your day will go by so fast. I know everyone says that, but I promise you, there isn't a lot of time to just enjoy your guests. There is always some event in the day pulling you from your guests. Once the ceremony is over, we can do a handful of couples photos under your ceremony area and get you right to cocktail and your guests. You'll snack, drink, and mingle with your friends and family. All the while I capture these sweet moments. Later in the evening I can pull you aside for some classic sunset photos and get you back to your party.

2. Have an intimate moment between you two

The day is so go, go, go and in front of all your guests, that being able to slow down and have a private moment alone to each other can make the day so meaningful. You can save your vows for just each other. Rather than having this very private moment in front of everyone, its a time where you can say a few words or read your vows alone to each other intimately. This is especially helpful for those who get stage fright. And if you're a crier (like me), you can freshen up before the ceremony. Before you head to the ceremony you can touch up your make up or spruce up your hair.

A big reservations that clients have with First Looks is that it takes away from seeing them walking down the isle. The feedback I've had is that having a First Look does not take away from the moment. The effect of seeing them walking down the isle is still a very real moment that is just as emotional.

3. More photos!

First Looks are a great way to add diversity to your wedding gallery. You cannot go wrong with having too many images! Besides the getting ready shots, ceremony, formals, and reception, First Looks are a place where I can add some personal and very candid images of you both.

Wanting your own First Look?

As a Florida Wedding Photographer, you can fill out my contact form and ask me all the questions you have! I'm happy to sit down and plan out your wedding day timeline with you so that its a mix of fun and stress-free moments.

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